Monday, April 21, 2008

Book proposal

Actionable Management concepts for a humane economy

Title: Humanism in Business - Actionable Humanistic Management Frameworks
Subtitle: Creating sustainable stakeholder benefits

A collection of actionable concepts/frameworks guiding managers interested in value driven business conduct

Many managers are torn by the need to maximize profit on one hand and their innate wish to make a positive contribution to society. All too often these two intentions collide, profit maximization prevails, and managers are increasingly dissatisfied. When trying to manage humanistically many managers lack structured support to base their actions on. Structured management frameworks akin to the Porter 5 forces, 6 Sigma etc.. are sparse and not mainstream yet. The purpose of the book is to provide an overview of actionable management frameworks that help managers to humanistically deal with management dilemmas in the 21st century. This book will provide insight for the day-to-day manager, executive and business leaders as well as consultants seeking to combine business and public value creation.

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